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6 Axioms of Digital Investment

In a digital financial ecosystem:

  • All representation of value is in token form at addresses on a digital ledger
  • All flows of value are token flows on the digital ledger
  • The location of each token defines its ownership
  • Physical and organisational assets exist off-ledger, with only their title tokenised on-ledger
  • Everything else exists only on-ledger, as native digital cash tokens, or as native digital asset tokens
  • Native digital tokens represent either inherent value in cash or assets, or commitments to future flows of value

6 Rules for Optimal Digital Issuance


  1. Issue native asset tokens that represent flow commitments, not conventional assets
  2. Make the flow tokens smart and potent, rather than the business systems
  3. Make these smart tokens self-actuating, self-executing and self-limiting
  4. Make the smart tokens individually fractionalisable and tradeable
  5. Measure value and risk at the level of the tokens, not of the assets
  6. One smart token = one commitment to one flow from one issuer to one recipient

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